martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Consequences of teen violence
  • Total direct and indirect costs of teen violence is more than $158 billion per year. 
  • Six percent of teens missed school due to feelings of insecurity regarding being at school, or traveling to and from school. 
  • Healthcare costs increase in communities with teen violence. 
  • Costs arise from injury and death, such as medical care and funeral expenses. 
  • Decreasing property values affect areas with high incidents of teen violence, impacting both long time residents and new residents
One of the main reason of violence in México is the fight against the narcotrafic implemented by Felipe Calderon

Teenagers who show signs of violent behavior cause concern in their parents. Violent teens are at risk for developing other violent behaviors and taking part in illegal activities, which puts the teens at more risk of being injured or arrested.
Something you can do is to show them your love and support, an of course help them to find a good way to deal with their angry feelings 

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