There are different types of violence:
a) Physical Violence: When someone uses a part of their body or an object to control a person's actions.
- Using physical force which results in pain, discomfort or injury.
- Hitting, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, strangling, burning, stabbing, punching, pushing, slapping, beating, kicking, choking, biting etc.
- Assault & threats with a weapon or other object.
- Murder.
- Touching in a sexual manner without consent.
- Forcing a person to perform sexual acts that may be degrading or painful.
- Beating sexual parts of the body.
- Forcing a person to view pornographic material.
- Exhibitionism;
- Denial of a person’s sexuality or privacy.
- Humiliating, criticizing or trying to control a person’s sexuality.
- Forced prostitution.
- Name calling.
- Blaming all relationship problems on the person.
- Not allowing the person to have contact with family and friends.
- Destroying possessions.
- Jealousy.
- Humiliating or making fun of the person.
- Intimidating the person; causing fear to gain control.
- Threatening to harm oneself.
- Destruction of personal property.
- Verbal aggression.
- Socially isolating the person.
- Not allowing a competent person to make decisions.
- Inappropriately controlling the person’s activities.
- Treating a person like a child or a servant.
- Not allowing the person to follow her or his preferred spiritual or religious tradition.
- Forcing a spiritual or religious path or practice on another person.
- Making fun of a person’s spiritual or religious tradition, beliefs or practices.
- Using one’s spiritual or religious position, rituals or practices to manipulate, dominate or control a person.
- Seeking divorce.
- Infidelity; committing adultery.
- Being raped.
- Lynching or stoning;
- Banishment.
- Abandonment of an older person at hospital by family.
- Female circumcision.
- Rape-marriage.
- Sexual slavery.
- Murder.
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